The Rogers' Family has arrived from New York and has been having a whale of a time on Ambergris Caye. The have been to the Shark an Sting Ray Alley, Hol Chan, and Mexico Rocks for some fabulous diving and have visited places like Big Daddy's, Victoria House and the Essene Way.
Tourists having fun at the Chicken Drop
As they pass by the Spindrift Hotel building, Mary's attention is drawn to a platform and a sort of fence being set up on the beach. "This must be a bingo night or some sort of group entertainment," thought Brian, who is always looking for something entertaining to do.
At the Pier Lounge Bar, they are told about the world famous Chicken Drop game that is so popular on the island and only at the beach of the Pier Lounge. Wally Rogers orders a Pina Colada as Brian and the others purchase their tickets for a square in the Chicken Drop game. After a few refreshing drinks at the Pier, they see this gentleman coming with a chicken and blowing strangely at its rear.

By this time there is a crowd of participants and lots of spectators gathered around the fence. There is music and cheering and much enthusiasm to see the chicken move from one area of the squared board to another area. Of course, the chicken does, and there are oohs and aaahs and squeals of disappointments. One lady speaks in Spanish to the chicken, and the crowd laughs as she pronounces "galina" for "gallina". Just when the chicken begins to look a little frightened, she raises her tall feathers and spits out a watery solution on square 45. The crowd is jubilant and Brian raises his glass of Belikin as he shouts out his number- 45. Mary jumps unto the squared board, picks up the chicken and gives it to Brian, who poses for pictures from all his fans. He has just won the World Famous Chicken Drop at the Pier Lounge.
But wait a minute, he is informed that part of the fun and to collect his $100, he must clean the chicken's mess (not a big mess) so that more photographs could be taken. After the routine cleaning up and amidst cheering from the Rogers and other spectators, Brian collects his cash and they all head straight into the Pier.Lounge for an island celebration. Pina Coladas, Margaritas, Belikins and rum punches add to the excitement of the evening and when the tab is picked up, it is only $125. "What an evening of fun," Brian thinks, "and only for $25 dollars." He wants to play a second game, but is told that it is only played on Wednesdays. He is also told that from time to time they play for a $1000 Grand Prize.
Not being able to play another game in no way dampens anyone's spirits for there is Celeste entertaining with her lovely songs and her fine music. What a happy time these folks are having. It was only meant to be a barefoot stroll along the beach, and it is almost midnight and the fun is still on. One for the road, a little bit of dancing and all nine head for their hotel for a night's rest because there are plans for a busy day on the island for the following day. But what a night for the chicken!
Text from Ambergris Today
Click here and here for more pictures of the Chicken Drop!
Here are a couple websites that folks have made about the Chicken Drop:
Weird World: Your Guide to the Planets Weirdest Sights: We thought our trip to Belize was just going to be your typical tropical getaway. Little did we know that we were about to discover an oddity like the Chicken Drop.
This is the famous "Chicken Drop". Here's how it works:
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