Saturday, April 4, 2009


I got this info in my email. I own a sp myself so I thought it would be good to let others know how the multitudes feel.

I spa... do you?

Reading the news, one would think "spa" has become a four letter word. The media have us thinking that spa is distasteful luxury; that spa is what greedy overpaid executives indulge in instead of working diligently.

I beg to differ. Spa is not a luxury; spa is not something to be ashamed of; spa is not for the (bailout) rich and (in)famous. Spa is about wellness. About wellbeing. About health. About aging gracefully. Spa is about taking care of yourself. Whether you spa at home (our Spa Facial at Home set is the way to do it); spa at a spa (click here for some of my favorite locations); spa at your dermatologist's (I love injectables...) - Just Spa.

Let us not allow anyone make us feel bad about taking care of ourselves. We work too hard. We sleep too little. We worry too much. The golden rule goes "do unto others as you would have them do unto you;" I say rather, treat yourself as you would treat your loved ones. Be kind to yourself. Take care of yourself.

It's friday, start today. I spa - do you?

Happy spa-ing,


PS - Thank you to ISPA's marketing committee for coming up with the trademarked "I Spa, Do You" tagline.

This message was sent to you by Alchimie Forever LLC, 2440 M Street NW, Suite 200, Washington, DC 20037.

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